Happy Holidays from SludgeHammer!


During the holiday season, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our success possible. It is in this spirit that we say thank you and send best wishes for the holidays and New Year. 2021 has been full of changes, but one thing that has remained stable are our fantastic clients and partners. Thank you for making 2021 a great year, and we can’t wait to see what new adventures await in 2022!

SludgeHammer uses an innovative microbiology technology to improve wastewater treatment globally. Our patented SludgeHammer Blend™ uses a combination of enzymes and microbes that work alongside our SludgeHammer aerating technology, allowing organic waste to be rapidly digested to a point of non-existence. For all your wastewater treatment needs, trust that SludgeHammer has you covered!

This Christmas, give yourself the gift of peace of mind! SludgeHammer products are specially designed to last in every season. Whether you’re building a new wastewater treatment system or your older system needs to be remediated, SludgeHammer products are ideal for wastewater treatment systems!

Check Out Our Recent Post!

SludgeHammer is committed to providing informative content on the world of wastewater treatment! Read our newest blog “How to Deal with Nitrogen Pollution in Wastewater” for an interesting take on the breakdown of organic waste and how SludgeHammer products can help with nitrogen pollution

Is SludgeHammer Right for You?

Wastewater treatment and septic systems may not be everyone’s favorite conversation topics, but they’re definitely at the top of our list! We have a SludgeHammer product that will work for almost every application! We’ve put together a variety of use cases to show how SludgeHammer products can be used, whether you’re a commercial developer or on a rural piece of land. If you have any questions about whether or not a SludgeHammer product is the right choice for you, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’d love to talk to you about your wastewater treatment needs.